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Cracked face of a traditional timepiece depicting the slow movement of time.

Why Do Some Divorce Cases Take Longer Than Others?

Almost everyone has heard a divorce horror story about a divorce case that lasted for years and/or cost a small fortune in legal expenses. While those cases are the exception,...

How Long Am I Entitled to Receive – Or Must I Pay – Alimony?

Decades ago when men were traditionally the breadwinners of the American family and women were typically stay-at-home moms, permanent alimony was not an unusual financial result in divorces. The days...

Understanding Mediation and How It May Benefit Your Domestic Case

A mediator is a neutral third person who works with parties to help them attempt to resolve their issues in dispute in a mutually satisfactory manner. Mediation is different from...
Image of two men shaking hands in agreement.

How Does Mediation Work?

Mediation can take place over a series of sessions. But, more often than not, it is scheduled for a continuous amount of time to keep the negotiations going. Sessions are...
Image of man standing on a blue background with his hand over his forehead as if ashamed of the mistake he has made.

Costly Divorce Mistakes: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You.

In an effort to save money during divorce, many couples turn to self-help legal forms and generic advice found on the Internet rather than hiring a family law attorney. When...
Vector drawing of man with a broken heart floating over his head behind a book entitled tips for surviving a breakup

Five Tips to Help You Survive Divorce

Marital relationships may take years to completely unravel. Spouses often make the final break after many unsuccessful attempts to salvage their marriage. Yet most people are surprisingly unprepared when the...

Cautionary Tale of Online Cheating

In today’s world, websites and modern technology, such as email, instant messaging, and texting, provide a means for cheaters to establish and maintain extramarital relationships with a greater degree of...
Image of a competent business woman analyzing graphs depicting the kind of investigative and analytic services provided by experts in divorce matters.

Why You May Need an Expert Witness or Other Professional to Assist in Your Divorce or Child Custody Case

Depending on the nature and complexity of the issues in dispute in your divorce or child custody matter, your attorney may recommend that you engage the services of non-lawyer professionals...
Man's hands holding and using a backlit digital tablet in low light ambience room

Divorce in the Digital Age: How the Internet Can Be Useful In Your Divorce Case

Unquestionably, the Internet has changed the way we access information and the volume of information that is available. It has also made it more difficult to keep our personal lives...

Who should get the marital home?

When parties separate and begin the process of dividing their marital property, one of the assets they are likely to deal with is their marital home. In North Carolina, in...

What is discovery and why does my attorney need so many documents from me?

In the world of litigation, it is not always sufficient to simply offer as evidence an opinion based on conjecture or recollection. The most credible evidence is that which is...

Consequences to Consider for Failure to Pay Child Support

If you are experiencing financial hardship and having difficulty complying with a court order requiring you to pay child support, you might want to think twice before you become delinquent...