Dividing the Household Furniture

Almost all couples have household furniture and other furnishings that they divide when they separate. Household furnishings that are marital property are subject to valuation and distribution like any other marital asset. In valuing household furnishings for purposes of division, North Carolina state laws require the court to use the fair market value of the…

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Choosing the Best Lawyer for Your Divorce

Amid the angst and turmoil surrounding separation and divorce, one of the most important decisions that you will make will be your choice of an attorney. It is important to have a lawyer who inspires your trust and confidence, but also a lawyer who has expertise in the area of the law in which you…

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Who should get the marital home?

When parties separate and begin the process of dividing their marital property, one of the assets they are likely to deal with is their marital home. In North Carolina, in a typical equitable distribution case, there are normally three options for disposing of the marital home. Those options are: 1. Distribute the home to the…

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What is discovery and why does my attorney need so many documents from me?

In the world of litigation, it is not always sufficient to simply offer as evidence an opinion based on conjecture or recollection. The most credible evidence is that which is supported by actual documentation or other physical evidence. If your domestic case involves contested issues of child custody, child support, spousal support, or property division,…

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