Child Support

How is child support determined?

October 22, 2013

The North Carolina Child Support Guidelines in effect for 2013 provide a formula for determining the basic child support obligation for parents’ with combined adjusted gross incomes of $300,000 per year ($25,000 per month) or less. There are numerous variables which may factor into the presumptive child support calculation, such as the number of nights that the child spends with each parent, health insurance premiums, work related child care expenses, each parents’ obligations for the…

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What is discovery and why does my attorney need so many documents from me?

June 15, 2013

In the world of litigation, it is not always sufficient to simply offer as evidence an opinion based on conjecture or recollection. The most credible evidence is that which is supported by actual documentation or other physical evidence. If your domestic case involves contested issues of child custody, child support, spousal support, or property division, your attorney will need extensive financial and personal information and documentation from both you and the opposing party to verify…

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