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Small statue of Lady Justice against marble.

Can My Spouse and I Use the Same Divorce Attorney?

When spouses separate, there may be many legal issues that arise in connection with their marital separation, including child custody, child support, spousal support, and equitable distribution of marital property...
Image of a file folder attoped with a gavel labeled Prenuptial Agreement.

Can a Premarital Agreement Be Signed after the Marriage?

As its name implies, a premarital agreement (also known as a prenuptial agreement) is an agreement that parties enter into before marriage. To be considered a valid premarital agreement, the...

Part 1: Self-Help Legal Services: The Dangers of the Do-It-Yourself Separation Agreement

In a family law context, do-it-yourself separation agreements present an area that is laden with potential problems. A separation agreement, which may also be referred to by other names such...
Image of two people sitting at a desk cropped so that faces are implied. The gavel in the foreground denotes a legal proceeding and the hand gestures of the subjects implies that one spouse disagrees.

What Can I Do If My Spouse Will Not Sign Our Separation Agreement?

Separation agreement is a general term used to describe a written contract that spouses enter into to address some or all issues arising from their marital separation. A separation agreement...
Image of a child wearing a black hoodie on a black background with his finger in front of his lips illustrating saying nothing.

Domestic Violence Legal Advocacy

In North Carolina, domestic violence can be defined in simple terms as abuse, fear of abuse, harassment, or undue manipulation or control that occurs between two parties involved, or formerly...
Image depicting children in a brightly lit school corridor.

Which Parent Gets to Choose Where the Child Goes to School?

The beginning of a new school year is a time when many parents are faced with making a decision regarding where their child should be enrolled in school. Where a...
Image of two men shaking hands in agreement.

How Does Mediation Work?

Mediation can take place over a series of sessions. But, more often than not, it is scheduled for a continuous amount of time to keep the negotiations going. Sessions are...

Why You May Need an Accountant to Assist with Your Divorce

With the exception of child custody, family law cases are largely about financial issues – child support, postseparation support, alimony, and identification, classification, evaluation, and distribution of marital and divisible...
Image of man alone in front of a window emoting sadness

Mental and Emotional Abuse – Domestic Violence Isn’t Always Black and Blue

When we think of domestic violence, images often come to mind of black eyes, bruises, busted lips, or broken bones. However, domestic violence encompasses much more than that. Domestic violence...
Image of an incomplete arbitration agreement on a wooden desk with lawyerly things, a pen, a stamp, reading glasses, a law book and a gavel.

What is Alternative Dispute Resolution?

It is becoming very common for our clients to ask about alternative dispute resolution (ADR). In fact, in many judicial districts in North Carolina, the district court has adopted rules...

What Can I Do If My Former Spouse Does Not Comply with Our Separation Agreement?

A valid written separation agreement is a contract. How a separation agreement is enforced depends on whether or not it has been merged into a court order. If a separation...
Do I have to turn over my medical records during divorce?

Do I have to Provide My Medical Records to My Ex in a Divorce

During the pretrial discovery phase of a divorce and in child custody matters it is not uncommon for the opposing party to request your medical records. Whether an outside party...