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Is Your Attorney Tough Enough?
All too often, the client has the attitude that a lawyer who is a “fighter” is a lawyer who refuses to cooperate with opposing counsel, makes demands and gets instant...

Missing Assets in Divorce
An issue that arises with some frequency in divorce cases involves allegations that a spouse has hidden or disposed of marital assets. Often, these are assets, such as jewelry, cash,...

Why Do Some Divorce Cases Take Longer Than Others?
Almost everyone has heard a divorce horror story about a divorce case that lasted for years and/or cost a small fortune in legal expenses. While those cases are the exception,...

Practical Matters
Litigation often spawns more litigation. To determine whether certain issues are worth litigating, you must weigh the price you will pay with your time, emotions, and money, against the anticipated...

How Your Health Insurance Coverage May Be Affected by Divorce
If you are separated and are relying on your estranged spouse to provide you with health insurance coverage through an employer’s group health insurance plan or other policy maintained by...

What Can I Do If My Spouse Will Not Sign Our Separation Agreement?
Separation agreement is a general term used to describe a written contract that spouses enter into to address some or all issues arising from their marital separation. A separation agreement...