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Image of a typewritten agreement for divorce on white paper with a pair of eyeglasses folded on top of it.

Does My Separation Agreement Have To Be Approved by the Court?

“Separation agreement” is the term commonly used to describe a legally binding contract that spouses enter into when they reach an agreement regarding issues related to their marital separation. The...
Image of formal "Last Will" document with pen.

Get A Will

As you begin the divorce process, the first order of business is to review your will. If you do not have one, get one immediately. Succession laws may conflict with...
Image of a group of private school students wearing school uniforms in a study session.

Can I Make the Other Parent Pay for Private School Tuition As Part of a Child Support Obligation?

The North Carolina Child Support Guidelines provide a formula for determining the presumptive child support obligation for parties’ whose combined adjusted gross income is $300,000 per year or less. The...
Image of an incomplete arbitration agreement on a wooden desk with lawyerly things, a pen, a stamp, reading glasses, a law book and a gavel.

What is Alternative Dispute Resolution?

It is becoming very common for our clients to ask about alternative dispute resolution (ADR). In fact, in many judicial districts in North Carolina, the district court has adopted rules...

Consequences to Consider for Failure to Pay Child Support

If you are experiencing financial hardship and having difficulty complying with a court order requiring you to pay child support, you might want to think twice before you become delinquent...
Image of a man in a gray suit on a dark background wearing red boxing gloves close to camera.

Is Your Attorney Tough Enough?

All too often, the client has the attitude that a lawyer who is a “fighter” is a lawyer who refuses to cooperate with opposing counsel, makes demands and gets instant...
Image of a competent business woman analyzing graphs depicting the kind of investigative and analytic services provided by experts in divorce matters.

Why You May Need an Expert Witness or Other Professional to Assist in Your Divorce or Child Custody Case

Depending on the nature and complexity of the issues in dispute in your divorce or child custody matter, your attorney may recommend that you engage the services of non-lawyer professionals...

Choosing the Best Lawyer for Your Divorce

Amid the angst and turmoil surrounding separation and divorce, one of the most important decisions that you will make will be your choice of an attorney. It is important to...

Who should get the marital home?

When parties separate and begin the process of dividing their marital property, one of the assets they are likely to deal with is their marital home. In North Carolina, in...

Part 1: Self-Help Legal Services: The Dangers of the Do-It-Yourself Separation Agreement

In a family law context, do-it-yourself separation agreements present an area that is laden with potential problems. A separation agreement, which may also be referred to by other names such...

Will Your Support Case Benefit from Retaining a Vocational Expert?

There are some situations in which your attorney may recommend that you retain certain professionals, such as an accountant, appraiser, or vocational expert, to assist with your domestic case. A...
An image of a monarch chrysalis on a thin twig against a green background depicting things that change.

Can Alimony Be Increased or Decreased?

A court order for payment of alimony that is entered by a North Carolina Court may be modified or vacated if a judge finds that a substantial change in circumstances...