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What Should I Wear to Court (and why does it matter)?

The clothes you wear say a lot about who you are. By simply observing a person’s clothing, consciously or unconsciously, we form impressions about that person’s attitude, lifestyle, social status,...
Image of a typewritten agreement for divorce on white paper with a pair of eyeglasses folded on top of it.

What to Expect During Your Initial Divorce Consultation

If you are considering divorce and unsure where to start, you are not alone. Most individuals are intimidated at the thought of consulting with a divorce attorney because the process...

Consequences to Consider for Failure to Pay Child Support

If you are experiencing financial hardship and having difficulty complying with a court order requiring you to pay child support, you might want to think twice before you become delinquent...
Image taken from across the top of a filing cabinet drawer with hanging file folders with plastic tab separators. The foremost forward tab is labeled "Insurance" while remaining tabs are slightly out of focus.

Can I Require My Spouse to Maintain Life Insurance To Secure an Alimony or Child Support Obligation?

Under North Carolina law, the obligation of a spouse to pay alimony, or a parent to pay child support, ceases upon the death of the obligor. Maintaining a life insurance...

How Long Am I Entitled to Receive – Or Must I Pay – Alimony?

Decades ago when men were traditionally the breadwinners of the American family and women were typically stay-at-home moms, permanent alimony was not an unusual financial result in divorces. The days...

Dividing the Household Furniture

Almost all couples have household furniture and other furnishings that they divide when they separate. Household furnishings that are marital property are subject to valuation and distribution like any other...
Image of formal "Last Will" document with pen.

Get A Will

As you begin the divorce process, the first order of business is to review your will. If you do not have one, get one immediately. Succession laws may conflict with...
Image of empty room with high ceilings and shiny wood floors with seeral boxes packed and ready to go depicting relocating.

Relocation and Child Custody: Can I Relocate With My Child to Another City or State?

When a parent who has (or is seeking) custody of a child decides to relocate to another city or state, disputes regarding child custody or visitation may arise, especially if...
Image of cute yellow lab puppy smiling to the camera.

Who Should Get the Family Dog?

Many people consider their pet as a member of their family, not just personal property. Consequently, when couples split up, there are sometimes disagreements as to which party should take...
Image of a competent business woman analyzing graphs depicting the kind of investigative and analytic services provided by experts in divorce matters.

Why You May Need an Expert Witness or Other Professional to Assist in Your Divorce or Child Custody Case

Depending on the nature and complexity of the issues in dispute in your divorce or child custody matter, your attorney may recommend that you engage the services of non-lawyer professionals...
Couple embracing on a front porch depicting reconciliation during divorce.


Often a potential client visits an attorney to discuss divorce. Although, they have not yet made the decision to take the big step. First, they want to know their options....
Image of two people sitting at a desk cropped so that faces are implied. The gavel in the foreground denotes a legal proceeding and the hand gestures of the subjects implies that one spouse disagrees.

What Can I Do If My Spouse Will Not Sign Our Separation Agreement?

Separation agreement is a general term used to describe a written contract that spouses enter into to address some or all issues arising from their marital separation. A separation agreement...