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Dividing the Household Furniture

Almost all couples have household furniture and other furnishings that they divide when they separate. Household furnishings that are marital property are subject to valuation and distribution like any other...
Image depicting children in a brightly lit school corridor.

Which Parent Gets to Choose Where the Child Goes to School?

The beginning of a new school year is a time when many parents are faced with making a decision regarding where their child should be enrolled in school. Where a...
Image taken from across the top of a filing cabinet drawer with hanging file folders with plastic tab separators. The foremost forward tab is labeled "Insurance" while remaining tabs are slightly out of focus.

Can I Require My Spouse to Maintain Life Insurance To Secure an Alimony or Child Support Obligation?

Under North Carolina law, the obligation of a spouse to pay alimony, or a parent to pay child support, ceases upon the death of the obligor. Maintaining a life insurance...
A vintage suitcase half neatly packed with necessities and important items in preparation for leaving.

Is It Considered Abandonment If I Leave My Spouse?

Depending on your reason for leaving your spouse, your spouse may have grounds to allege abandonment, which is sometimes referred to as desertion. In North Carolina, abandonment is considered an...
An image of a monarch chrysalis on a thin twig against a green background depicting things that change.

Can Alimony Be Increased or Decreased?

A court order for payment of alimony that is entered by a North Carolina Court may be modified or vacated if a judge finds that a substantial change in circumstances...
Vector drawing of man with a broken heart floating over his head behind a book entitled tips for surviving a breakup

Five Tips to Help You Survive Divorce

Marital relationships may take years to completely unravel. Spouses often make the final break after many unsuccessful attempts to salvage their marriage. Yet most people are surprisingly unprepared when the...

Will Your Support Case Benefit from Retaining a Vocational Expert?

There are some situations in which your attorney may recommend that you retain certain professionals, such as an accountant, appraiser, or vocational expert, to assist with your domestic case. A...

Why You May Need an Accountant to Assist with Your Divorce

With the exception of child custody, family law cases are largely about financial issues – child support, postseparation support, alimony, and identification, classification, evaluation, and distribution of marital and divisible...
Stock photography image of a Marriage Contract on a table with the hands of a man and a woman signing it.

Should I get a prenuptial agreement?

A prenuptial agreement, also referred to as a premarital agreement or ante-nuptial agreement, is a contract entered into between two parties contemplating marriage. The agreement becomes effective upon their marriage....

How is child support determined?

The North Carolina Child Support Guidelines in effect for 2013 provide a formula for determining the basic child support obligation for parents’ with combined adjusted gross incomes of $300,000 per...
Image of a person dropping a card into a clear glass container, like a suggestion box or ballot bowl.

Your Spouse’s Suggestions

Unfortunately, client’s commonly believe that an opponent’s suggestions should routinely be rejected because they are either bad ideas, or they reflect some ulterior motive. Some clients want to automatically do...
Image of the word CONFLICT on a red background being cut by a scissor.

What are the Benefits of Arbitration?

The benefits of arbitration are many. The process is confidential and private unless it is provided for, and no record is kept of the proceedings. Each party has some control...